
A café with immediate delivery in Grand Square Pyramids at a very special price, double view, with mandatory rental authorization

A café with immediate delivery in Grand Square Pyramids at a very special price. The installment value is negotiable: 9 installments of 53,000 EGP each / 2 installments of 49,200 EGP each. The café is delivered, fully finished, and leased with mandatory rental authorization for five years, generating a return of 15,500 EGP per month for the first two years, then 20,000 EGP per month for the next three years


3,686,370 EGP

Type Commercial

City New Capital

Floor 1

Price 1,890,000

Over 1,500,000

Unit Area 21 م/m

Down Payment 189,000

Total Price 3,686,370

Paid Installments 1503600

Installment Value 53000

Payment Method every 3 months

Remaining Installments 575400

Years Installments Remaining 3

maintenance deposit 189000

club 0

garage 0

Delivery Immediately

finishing type Fully Finished

Payment Type Installments

Our Facilites




Email Address

[email protected]